Business Project

Opening presentations by companies for students will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, (9 am – appx. 4 pm) at VSE.

Students’ final presentations will be held on Thursday, May 22, 2025, (9 am – appx. 3 pm) at VSE.

Term Activity
February 19, 2025, (time TBA, appx. 30 minutes for each company) Opening presentations – companies introduce the topic to the students and answer their questions; team division


By February 21, 2025 All stakeholders (students, companies, tutors) are informed about the students’ teams
February 24 – March 7, 2025 The first meeting of the company, student team and the tutor

Virtually or face2face

May 22, 2025, 6 am Final presentation submission via email or
May 22, 2025, 6 am Video submission via
May 22, 2025, (9 am – appx. 3 pm, appx. 20 minutes for each team) Final presentations – student teams have the presentations of their projects, companies are also needed


May 19 – 30, 2025 Final presentations – student team delivers the presentation of their project for the company management

Virtually or face2face

May 30, 2025 Peer evaluation submission
May 30, 2025 Evaluation from tutor&company submission
Business Project Boot Camp – will be held on February 22 – 23, 2024 – details. Dates for 2025 TBA.


Examples of videos from last year are available here:

BP 2023 Asahi video

BP 2023 Prazdroj video

BP 2023 L’Oréal video

BP 2023 Škoda Auto video

BP 2023 URW video

BP 2023 Hilti video – cross-border


VSE Requirements

  1. Video, which should be 1 – 4 min. long, deliver relevant information about the BP topic and should be a representative material for both the company and the university. Company representatives and the tutor have to assess this video in the evaluation form. Of course, the company can help students to create the video.

  2. Evaluation from the tutor and company (BP Evaluation_Company&Tutor).

  3. Peer Evaluation, where students evaluate themselves via the online form (via email from Šárka) at the end of the project, this evaluation will influence the evaluation of the company and tutor (BP Peer Evaluation_Students – examples of how the evaluation influences the evaluation from company&tutor, do not fill in this form).

  4. Final presentation for VSE students, which should be 15 minutes long.

  5. Final presentation for companies, where it is up to the company to set the requirements; usually 2 hours long. The companies may also require a report in addition to the presentation.

  6. Logos, in which case students are supposed to use CEMS and FBA logos in their presentations and videos.

Business Project within the CEMS Programme:

The Business Project is a consultancy-like project. At the beginning of the semester, companies suggest topics for students. International teams of usually 4 students solve a real business problem as a one-semester part-time activity tutored by both the company and a professor in parallel. Business projects reinforce the CEMS partnership between universities, students, and companies. It amounts to 15 ECTS.

Students are thus offered the opportunity:

  • to gain insight into business life
  • to train their analytical and problem-solving skills
  • to apply research methods
  • to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice
  • to learn process management
  • to acquire social skills
  • to get to know potential employers and re-define their professional goals

Students are expected:

  • to take responsibility for the project
  • to strive for the best results
  • to share the workload equally within the team
  • to communicate well with their tutors

Project results are evaluated by academic and corporate supervisors. Students write a report and give an oral presentation, both as a group.

What is Cross-border Business Project?