
CEMS Annual Events 2017

The networking event of the year, CEMS Annual Events 2017, took place on November 26 – December 1, 2017 in Sydney. The Annual Events are organized on a rotating basis by 30 member schools. This year the 29th CEMS Annual Events have been hosted by The University of Sydney. During these days, members of the whole CEMS family gathered in one place – graduates […]

CEMS Annual Events 2017

Tomáš Laboutka – CEMS Alumnus of the Year!

It is our pleasure to announce, that CEMS Prague alumnus 2010 Tomáš Laboutka became a CEMS Alumnus of the Year when he won the category Young Leader! Tomas personally took over the award in Sydney, where this year’s CEMS Annual Events take place (26.11.-1.12.2017). For the first time in the history of this award the University of Economics, Prague had two […]

Tomáš Laboutka – CEMS Alumnus of the Year!

CEMS Club Prague Is the Best Club in the CEMS Alliance

Congratulations to the CEMS Club Prague for its incredible award! CEMS Club Prague is the best club out of 30 schools within the CEMS Alliance. Also congratulations to St. Gallen and Rotterdam for their 2nd and 3rd position. The best club is voted by students and CEMS Student Board subsequently chooses the 3 best clubs. CEMS Clubs are […]

CEMS Club Prague Is the Best Club in the CEMS Alliance

Block Seminar 2017

The academic year 2017/2018 for the new CEMS class at the University of Economics, Prague has been kicked-off with the Block Seminar, which was held on September 4 – 8, 2017. The Block Seminar is a compulsory part of the CEMS MIM curriculum. An attractive topic “Business Model Innovation in the Context of Digital Disruption” has been prepared […]

Block Seminar 2016

The academic year 2016/2017 for the new CEMS class at the University of Economics, Prague has been kicked-off with the Block Seminar, which was held between August 29 – September 5, 2016. The Block Seminar is a compulsory part of the CEMS MIM curriculum. An attractive topic “Digital Strategies of Family Businesses – Case of Hilti” has been prepared […]

Block Seminar 2015

The academic year 2015/2016 for new CEMS class at the University of Economics, Prague has been kicked-off with the Block Seminar, which was held between August 31 – September 7, 2015. The Block Seminar is a complusory part of CEMS MIM curriculum. Based on the very successfull concept from the last three years, the Block Seminar […]

Block Seminar 2014

The academic year 2014/2015 for new CEMS class at the University of Economics, Prague has been kicked-off by the Block Seminar which was held on September 8-12, 2014. The Block Seminar is a complusory part of CEMS MIM curriculum. Based on the very successfull concept from last two years, the Block Seminar has been organised again […]