Dominik Sagl and Jan Kölbl Awarded in Excellent Students’ Research Work Contest
Every academic year the best students’ written works are awarded in the ESOP (excellent students’ research work) contest. This semester, not one but two CEMS students succeeded in the contest while sharing 2nd to 4th place in the contest with another student from a Czech programme.

Dominik Sagl
Dominik Sagl, a CEMS VSE student was awarded for his Diploma thesis titled “Segmentation of esports audience and its marketing implications”. His thesis was supervised by Jan Mareš, and he not only gave a complex overview of esports as a global phenomenon in it, but in the practical part he focused on the segmentation in which a survey was conducted gathering 373 responses. His thesis also gave a series of suggestions that should considerably boost a company’s esports success and which was developed based on the study’s findings and theoretical research.

Jan Kölbl
Jan Kölbl, a CEMS VSE graduate succeeded with his work “The Value of Active Management in Equity Mutual Funds from the Perspective of Czech Individual Investor” supervised by Ladislav Tyll. Jan analyzed 97 actively managed equity mutual funds publicly distributed in the Czech Republic relatively to their benchmark and passively managed alternative. The analysis he conducted supports the current notion that a risk-averse individual investor should not invest in an actively managed fund when risk-adjusted profit maximization is his or her primary goal.
Congratulations to both CEMSies for such a great success!