Startup Night /April 6, 2022/
The top Prague universities have teamed up to create the biggest student business networking event for all the young people with a focus on entrepreneurship, technology and innovation. Join us at the very first inter-university business networking where you can talk to other like-minded people (students and alumni), founders of ambitious projects and investors.
For the first time, we have also opened our doors to students from other countries currently studying in the Czech Republic. The whole event WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH! It’s time you start building your own international business network full of interesting contacts!
This event is not only for founders of existing projects but also for those not interested in working in the corporate world. Startup Night is a great opportunity to meet founders seeking new team members who could help them skyrocket their projects! Come join us and find an exciting job opportunity in a startup!
If you have your own startup you will get the opportunity to meet investors, mentors, professors and other founders to discuss your project.
Startup Night is organised by Charles University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague University of Economics and Business and the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague and supported by Prague Innovation Institute, the student club SpoluPRACUJEME and the digital startup guide StartupBox. Come join us at Máj 4th floor on 6th April at 7:00 PM.
For further information and registration please visit