
Personal presence of students at VSE

A student may participate in an examination or other activity at VŠE only if the following conditions are met: prove its identity with a student’s ID card or other documents to the security staff while entering the building be free from acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of […]

Personal presence of students at VSE

CEMS Business Projects 2020 Final Presentations

On Friday, May 22, 2020, International Management/CEMS students, corporate partners, and academic tutors gathered at the University of Economics, Prague to present the results of their Business Projects. Due to the current extraordinary situation, the final presentations took place online this year. There was a total of 9 teams, each working on a project from […]

CEMS Business Projects 2020 Final Presentations

Faculty of Business Administration has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation

The Faculty of Business Administration – home faculty of the CEMS Programme – has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation process and is still the only Czech faculty with this most prestigious international accreditation in the field of management. The faculty has been accredited for next 3 years. The Faculty of Business Administration thus remains among […]

Faculty of Business Administration has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation

2nd Intake Applicants Will Participate in the Online Assessmnet Centre

Dear applicants, due to the current situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 disease and therefore the impossibility to obtain a GMAT/GRE score, the CEMS VSE Office has decided that all the 2nd intake applicants will undergo the same form of online Assessment Centre as the 1st intake applicants did this year. This exception is only […]

2nd Intake Applicants Will Participate in the Online Assessmnet Centre

Academic Psychological Counseling Available Online

Due to extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which with effect from March 11, 2020, forbids the personal presence of students in classes, the Academic Psychological Counselling will be provided online. More information and instruction can be found here.

Academic Psychological Counseling Available Online

Send 2nd Intake Application via Email

Dear applicants, Due to the current situation regarding spreading of the COVID-19 disease, it is now possible to send your application via email to Please, always send your application in the [PDF] format. Good luck in the admissions and keep safe! CEMS Office

Send 2nd Intake Application via Email

CEMS Assessment Centre is Going Online

Like many others, CEMS Office from the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics, Prague, is adapting to the current tumultuous situation and therefore digitizing the Assessment Centre, a vital part of the CEMS VSE admission process, while still maintaining its key aspects such as teamwork, analytical tasks and incorporation of corporate partners […]

CEMS Assessment Centre is Going Online

Attention: Adjusted Conditions for Submitting Required Documents

Dear applicants, Due to the current situation regarding spreading of the COVID-19 disease the deadline for submitting proof of English proficiency (applies for both 1st intake and 2nd intake) and GMAT/GRE score (applies for 2nd intake) is postponed. Please, consult your individual situation with the Programme Coordinator via email. Also, it is exceptionally allowed to send the required documents in […]

Attention: Adjusted Conditions for Submitting Required Documents

Obligations and information for foreign nationals – prevention against spread of COVID-19

For all the up-to-date information regarding your stay in the Czech Republic, please, follow the Ministry of Interior website.

Obligations and information for foreign nationals – prevention against spread of COVID-19