Schedule of Activities with Corporate Partners during Academic Year

Term 1 (Winter Term)

Organized by VSE

  • September – Block Seminar (1-week course) – on a rotating basis among VSE CEMS core Corporate Partners (CPs),
  • October – November – Skill Seminars – on Thursdays or Fridays, half-day or full-day long,
  • September – December – term-projects within the CEMS Courses
  • November + January – Evening with CEMS

Organized by CEMS Club Prague (CCP)

  • September – Opening Party – this event is held at the occasion of the beginning of the semester. Usually, participating CPs have a short presentation and then interact with students and alumni.
  • October/November – events agreed with CPs during September (e.g. rotation dinners, excursions, and many more depending on the mutual agreement with each CP).
  • December – Closing Party

* What is CEMS Club? Each CEMS school has a local student organization, the CEMS Club. Active students foster the community spirit among their schoolmates, alumni, and CPs, which complements the academic experience of CEMS MIM students with various social activities. At VSE, students from CCP are allowed to communicate directly with the CPs representatives. The president and vice-president are elected before

Organized by CEMS Global Office – Career Forum

  • November 8 – 9, 2024 + 2025 – ESADE (Barcelona)
  • November 2026 – 2029 – VSE (Prague)


Term 2 (Summer Term)

Organized by VSE

  • February – May – Business Project (term course)
  • March – April – Skill Seminars – on Thursdays or Fridays, half-day or full-day long,
  • February – May – term-projects within the CEMS Courses
  • March – Evening with CEMS
  • March + May – Assessment Centres

Organized by CEMS Club Prague

  • February – Opening Party
  • March/April – events agreed with CPs during February
  • May – Closing Party

Organized by CEMS Global Office

  • March – Global Recruitment Event (online)


V4 Conference

  • Regional event organized on a rotating basis among VSE (Prague) – held in spring 2024, SGH (Warsaw) – planned for spring 2025, and CUB (Budapest) – planned for spring 2026.


Contact: Šárka Otčenášková (sarka.otcenaskova[at] – CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at VSE.