Looking Back: CEMS Opening Gala /Sep 21, 2023/
As tradition requires, the CEMS Club Prague held their annual Opening Gala to celebrate the start of the semester together with their esteemed corporate partners and welcome new CEMSies and alumni.
The venue was set in Hotel Amarilis, on Thursday, September 21, 2023, from 7:00 p.m., and the event was a fantastic opportunity for all attending to discuss the importance of the cherished partnerships, get to know each other and immerse in networking to land potential internships and job opportunities in the future.
Time to network
The night was a success, and we are sure that some of the conversations that took place during networking will bloom into promising opportunities down the road.
On behalf of the CEMS Club Prague, we would like to thank all the corporate partners who graced the event with their presence, offering valuable insights into their working environments. A special shout-out goes to our gala partners for enhancing the mixer and making it an enjoyable and pleasurable experience for all.
>> Photos from the event are available here.