CEMS VSE Virtual Alumni Soirée, October 15, 2020, 5–7 pm
Dear CEMS VŠE Alumni,
Due to the current development of the pandemic situation we were forced to move the CEMS VSE Alumni Soriée online. But what year would 2020 be if we have not mastered every single event we usually organize in an on-site form online, right? Moreover, we believe that the online format of this event enables participation also to those of you, who wouldn’t be able to come in person for various reasons.
The Alumni Soirée will take place on Thursday, October 15, 5–7 pm via ZOOM. As we would like to know in advance how many people we can count on, please register via this form by October 14.
Curious about the programme? See the outline below:
For more information follow our website or see the Facebook event.