CEMS Students Succeeded in the PWC Consulting Challenge
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020, the finals of the PWC consulting challenge took place in an unconventional setting forced by the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s challenge mainly focused on technology consulting, specifically on the Finnish food delivery company WOLT and its expansion into new potential markets within the Czech Republic, while using technology in order to ease the whole operational process. Down below you can find a commentary by CEMS VSE student Nikola Lomenčíková who, with her fellow CEMS classmate Matúš Kačer, was a member of the student team that placed third in the challenge.
“Our team consisted of 4 participants, namely: Nikola Lomenčíková, Julie Janáková, Matúš Káčer, and Martin Rampa. We focused our solution on the regional expansion into Liberec, including technological innovations that Wolt could incorporate in its application. This year almost 100 teams signed up for the challenge and only 10 of them made it to the finals. Our team pizzošky advanced to the finals and placed third among the other 9 participating teams. It was a great experience for us and we enjoyed it very much, all participants have prepared a very decent work and we could see that there is still a place for our improvements! Even though the whole setting was held online I have to stress that it was perfectly managed by PWC. Next year I would highly recommend this challenge to my fellow Cemsies!” 🙂
Congratulations to the team!