CEMS Round Table 2022 Workshop
A sit-down of representatives of the Master in International Management (CEMS) Programme taught in English at the Faculty of Business Administration took place at the “Round Table” moderated joint workshop on September 22, 2022.
Being well aware that the long-term development of the programme is only sustainable if all stakeholders participate, the programme management yet again took the opportunity to organize a face-to-face event that would react flexibly to the current situation and future challenges and lay on the table fresh suggestions and ideas leading to solutions to further enhance the CEMS Programme in the Czech Republic.
The 3-hour event moderated by the programme’s Academic Director, Mr Tyll, brought together the corporate partners from Hilti (Judita Bihellerová), Asahi Europe & International (Tomáš Srb), L’Oréal (David Dvořák) and Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (Martin Kotrba), students Marsela Bebic, Melina Plietker, Marianna Sargsyan and Nadine Weber, alumni Natalie Badie, Karel Kotoun and Marek Moravec, and for teaching staff they were Daniela Pauknerová, Marek Hudík, Heřman Kopkáně and Martin Lukeš. To introduce an unbiased perspective, an external guest was invited to put in an appearance – the CEO at Talent’tem, Michal Vydržel.
Enhancing the Programme
The workshop kicked off with the initial address covering the implementation of the outcomes of the previous Round Table and the current standings of the local chapter of the CEMS Programme delivered by Mr Tyll. After that, the attendees split up into homogenous groups of CPs, alumni, students and teachers to identify noticeable trends that were of particular concern to them and that they felt needed to be translated into the future concept of the Programme. Some of the trends that resonated most with all the groups were digitalization, responsibility, humbleness, long-life learning and the fact that the concept of being employed is changing.
In the second run, the corporate partners, students, alumni and teachers, now divided into mixed-up teams, engaged in discussion to suggest applicable improvements to the programme which would reflect and leverage on the identified trends while simultaneously keeping them aligned with broader stakeholders’ expectations. The last point is usually the most tricky, as different stakeholder groups have different perspectives and expectations.
With many at play, two made the final cut. First, an even bigger level of engagement of students in the in-class teaching process and improved peer feedback when working in groups. The second was a call for training students in virtual team collaboration competencies. To serve the second suggestion, the cross-school projects and courses seem to be the means highly appreciated by all the stakeholders.
In addition to feedback and the introduction of virtual teams across the whole CEMS, the topic of a responsible way of business and ESG kept winding through the entire event as a common thread – an issue the management of the local chapter of CEMS will not turn a deaf ear to and will try and find an effective and feasible way to incorporate it into its curriculum along with the other suggestions even more.
>>> To view the Round Table 2022 photo gallery, please go here.
The previous “Round Table” took place in March 2017, and its output focused primarily on introducing more hard skills, improved lectures, the possibility of deeper specialization and active alumni help to support the build-up of the CEMS brand in the Czech Republic. The lengthier hiatus between the previous and this year’s RT Workshop was caused by the Covid situation. (photo gallery here)
Applying to CEMS
The admission procedure for the CEMS/Master in Management Programme at VSE offers 2 intakes.
The 1st intake deadline is on February 28, 2023, upon which selected students have to pass the assessment centre.
The 2nd intake is subject to available spots, the deadline is on April 30, 2023.
Students have to submit the required documents before the application deadline.