CEMS Opening Event /February 28, 2023/
Dear CEMS VSE alumni, corporate partner representatives and students,
You are all cordially invited to the traditional CEMS Opening event, which will take place on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023, from 7 p.m. on the VSE campus (restaurant Akademický Klub).
The price for subscribers is set to 200 CZK per person, for nonsubscribers to 300 CZK per person.
The entrance fee includes small refreshments and drinks.
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To SING UP for the event, please fill out the form and transfer the respective amount to Jan Šenkeřík, using the credentials to be found under the registry link:
! R E G I S T E R !
During the event, you will meet with the current students and chat with them after the presentation.
The dress code is Business Casual.
On behalf of CEMS Club Prague, we look forward to welcoming you at the Opening event and celebrating the beginning of the semester together!