CEMS Club Prague President and Vice-President Elected
Dear CEMSies,
We are happy to introduce you to the new CEMS Club Prague Presidential Team: Sven Klijer will take up the presidential role and Sebastian Gabaldon Sevcik will act as the Vice-President for the upcoming winter semester 2021/22.
Sven and Sebastian conquered the elections with their Forward VSE campaign. Their vision is about making your CEMS experience better at all levels. Their plan is based on five pillars:
1. Alumni Connection: Leverage CEMS VSE wide network to improve career opportunities and development for everyone in the cohort.
2. Administrative and Education: Clear and effective communication with the university and increase the variety of relevant classes and seminars.
3. Applicants: Further increase the number of applications and convince the best people to join us during the open house weekends.
4. Career Services: Mobilize national and international partners to directly recruit from CEMS VSE cohort.
5. Party & Social life: Organize exciting and fun events to celebrate the end of the pandemic and make up for all the lost opportunities from last year.
We wish the new CEMS Club Prague presidium good luck and look forward to the upcoming joint events!
If you are looking for more information on CEMS Club Prague visit their Facebook page or Instagram.