Become a Trainee for Finace with Pilsner Urquell!
Want to work alongside heartthrobs who stand behind each other as one team and believe in diversity that unites them and makes the company better? For a company that supports your uniqueness and gives you space to shine with them, because, for them, Passion is the best qualification? Then start your career with our Corporate Partner, Plzeňský Prazdroj. Their success comes from the talent, enthusiasm and professionalism of their staff, and looking after their people as well as looking after the quality of their beer.
Over the course of 24 months, you will become a full-time member of the team (perks and all) and get to know the workings of our finances. From (FMCG specific) financial business partnering, to revenue management, tax, accounting and reporting, credit, receivables and more! At Prazdroj, they believe in young people and helping them develop their potential so that they can find what they are good at and what they enjoy. So it’s up to you! The programme starts in October 2023.
- working in different teams on individual rotations
- travelling to a partner brewery abroad as part of the roations
- comprehensive experience in your chosen field, which you will then use in your future career at Prazdroj
- regular 1ON1 meetings with your manager, during which you will work on your professional skills together
- regular meetings with your talent manager to help you develop other important skills, especially in the area of soft skills
- all kinds of trainings and sessions – both regional and international!
- chance to plan your future career at Plzeňský Prazdroj after your Trainee Program is over
- recent graduates or soon-to-be-graduates (the prerequisite is the successful completion of a master’s programme or at least a bachelor’s programme in the given year, i.e. by September 2023 at the latest)
- someone with good command of English (and the ability to present their ideas and projects to international management as well as to colleagues in teams)
- motivation for further development – both personal and career-wise
- team player with ability to take responsibility for their own projects
>> Long story short – Prazdroj shows you the paths and possibilities that exist in practice, but it is you who will plan where your career will go.
Plzeňský Prazdroj je známý značkami jako Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Radegast, Birell nebo Velkopopovický Kozel. Nabídnout toho ale můžeme mnohem víc. Jsme tu všichni srdcaři, stojíme za sebou jako jeden tým. V Prazdroji věříme, že rozdílnost je to, co nás spojuje a dělá naši společnost lepší. Podpoříme tvoji jedinečnost a dáme ti prostor u nás zazářit.
Protože Vášeň je nejlepší kvalifikace.
>> Náběr probíhá i do dalších týmů, stačí se jen podívat na naše kariérní stránky