Alumni Soirée 2020 Sucessfully Organized Online
On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the long-awaited CEMS VSE Alumni Soirée took place. Due to the current epidemiological situation, for the first time in its history, it was run completely online.
On the other hand, the online format has allowed participation of those alumni who would have not been able to participate otherwise. In the end, there were almost 50 CEMS VSE alumni present representing nearly all the graduation years from 1998 to 2020.
The soirée was moderated by the CEMS VSE Office consisting of the Academic Director Ladislav Tyll, Corporate Relations Manager Šárka Otčenášková, Programme Manager Martina Čížková and PR Manager Zuzana Valentová. The program of the event included initiation of 25 fresh CEMS VSE graduates 2020, introducing the new CEMS VSE Alumni Yearbook and discussion on CEMS alumni activities. During the latter part, former CEMS Alumni Association president Pavlína Tesch (maiden name Šimurdová) and former vice-president Vojtěch Opleštil concluded alumni activities organized in past and helped to steer the discussion on possible upcoming events, eg. from the area of networking events or CEMS talks. Another topic focused on mentoring was moderated by CEMS Club Prague representative Peter Bogdanov. The last area of possible alumni activities was then aimed at the topic of startups.
We want to thank all the yesterday’s participants, who helped us make the event come true even in this unconventional format. We truly hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
And, please, stay tuned for the follow-up communication from the CEMS Office in order to make some of the proposed activities happen in the near future.